Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Monday, June 13, 2016

Friday, June 10, 2016

Language Arts 6/10

1) Return your literature textbook to me by next Wednesday.

2) Have a wonderful time at Final Fling!!! Take plenty of pictures :)

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Language Arts 6/9

1) If you need to take the vocabulary quiz from "Flowers for Algernon" or the Grammar Final, you need to do so before the end of the week!

2) Return your literature textbook to me by next Wednesday.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Science UPDATE

Your lab reports for the hand/foot print lab are due MONDAY. Chromebooks will be in Friday for you to use.

Cover page 
name date block

To observe the forces on the area on our feet and hands that contribute to the pressure

Make sure you include LBS and Inches for your units of measuring tools.

 Include ALL details. Including Calculating formulas you use.

 Show all math involved, every step of the way
AND your grids


1. Is there more pressure on your foot or hand? WHY?

2. Why did I have you get 2 more people to find your PSI?

3. Is there a better way to conduct this lab more accurately?

Language Arts 6/8

Return your literature textbook to me by next Wednesday!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Language Arts 6/7

1) GRAMMAR TEST TOMORROW!!!!! Use your notes, review guides, homework assignments, and practice exercises to help you prepare!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Language Arts 6/6

1) STUDY!!!! Grammar test is on Wednesday!! Use the review packet and all your notes to help you prepare.

algebra, 6/6

all blocks:   pg. 357, #40-55
                   Tuesday we will be doing a group project on sections 6.3,6.4

Friday, June 3, 2016

Thursday, June 2, 2016

algebra, 6/2

all blocks:  pg. 349, # 5-10, 19-35

Language Arts 6/2

1) Study your vocabulary words for tomorrow's quiz.

2) Continue studying your Grammar Review Packet for the test next Wednesday.