Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Language Arts

* Read to page 175 in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
* Make sure you have you have your summary sheet
* Quiz next Wednesday: Vocabulary and grammar (coordinating adjectives and misplaced modifiers)


Picturae: See sentences on Google Classroom

algebra, 11/29

a-c block:   m4.2b, #1-6 ( multiple choice)
                               #10-15 (table and graph)
                               #16-21 (put in function form, y =, don't graph)
                               #22-25 (table and graph)

d-block:    1) b146, #5-11
                 2) b4.5p, #5-12
                 3) study for Friday quiz on table of values and x-y intercepts

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Language Arts

1) Essay planning sheet due TOMORROW.  Please make sure you have three strong reasons.
2) Read to page 165

Quiz next Wednesday on Roll of Thunder vocabulary and grammar.

algebra, 11/28

a-c block:  m215, # 36-47 (make table of values  and graph)
                            # 30-34 (switch to function form, y = , but don't graph)

d-block:    b4.5b, #3-10

Monday, November 27, 2017


Exercise 8. It is on Google Classroom

Language Arts

1) Finish reading to page 155 in Roll of Thunder
2) Essay planning sheet due Wednesday

algebra, 11/27

a-c block:  b146, # 5-17   (make a table of values and graph)

d-block:  m221, # 18-31  (make an x,y intercept chart and sketch a graph)

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Language Arts

* No Red Ink assignment due today by 3pm!!!
* Essay planning sheet due next Wednesday

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Language Arts

* No Red Ink assignment due tomorrow.
* Essay planning sheet due next Wednesday

algebra, 11/21

a-c block:  1) b123, #4-10
                 2) b124, # 12-14, 22,23

d-block:  1) b4.1a, #3-12
               2) b147, # 20-24

Monday, November 20, 2017

Language Arts

Wed- No Red Ink Post Diagnostic due (

algebra, 11/20

a-c blocks:  1) b114, # 4-11
                   2)b115, # 12-16

d-block:     b146, # 5-16 ( use three points in a table of values, and graph), 18, 19

History 11/20

Vocabulary 91 and 92

Friday, November 17, 2017

Language Arts

1) Test on Monday - Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry 
2) Next Wed- No Red Ink Post Diagnostic due.

11/17 algebra

all blocks:  Animal Poster is due on Monday.
                  Poster must include:  1) drawing of you  2) drawing of animal 3) calculation box  4) 3 interesting facts 5) name, date, and block   6) background drawing/coloring  7) Title 8) map (optional)

                  Make sure to bring in poster on Monday (10 points off each day late)

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Language Arts

1) Finish the review sheet
2) Roll of Thunder test on MONDAY : Chapters 1-6

algebra, 11/16

all blocks:  Animal Poster is due on Monday.
                  Poster must include:  1) drawing of you  2) drawing of animal 3) calculation box  4) 3 interesting facts 5) name, date, and block   6) background drawing/coloring  7) Title 8) map (optional)

                  Make sure to bring in poster on Monday (10 points off each day late)

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017

Language Arts

* Finish Chapter 5 in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
* Test next Monday on:
 Roll of Thunder ch 1-6

algebra, 11/13

a-c block:    1) finish chap 2 test A, cross out 13,14,18
                    2) Study for Tuesday's test on chapter 2 (geometry except 2.6)

d-block:   1) finish quiz sheets (front and back)
                2) study for Tuesday test 3.1-3.4

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Language Arts Review #1 by Monday
Chapter 4 Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry for Monday

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

algebra, 11/8

a-c block:   finish the following problems that were started in class:
                   1) b2.7b for B+C block (b2.7a for A-block), #1-10
                   2) b87, # 4-15
                   3) b88, # 20-24, 26
                   4) b89, # 30-32, 38-40

d-block:   finish the following problems that were started in class:
                all problems on  b132, b133, b134, b135, b136, b137, b138, b139

Language Arts

* Finish reading chapter three and Roll of Thunder worksheet 1 (front and back) for tomorrow 

* diagnostic test by next Monday. 
Log in with google. Class code: talented mustard 86

* Read Chapter 4 Roll of Thunder for Monday

algebra, 11/7

a-c blocks:  1) b107, # 3-12
                   2) b108, #15-24

d-block:  1) b130, # 6-10
               2)b131, #11-13, 15-17

Monday, November 6, 2017

Language Arts

* Finish Roll of Thunder worksheets by this Wednesday

* diagnostic test by next Monday.
Log in with google. Class code: talented mustard 86

algebra, 11/6

a-c block:  1)b80, # 4-13,
                 2) b81, # 15, 16

d-block:  1) b123, #4-11
               2) b124, #12-16, 22-24

Friday, November 3, 2017

ELA - Nov. 3

Please read chapter two of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry for Mon. 

algebra, 11/3

a-c block:  1) b74, # 4-6, 8-13
                 2) b75, # 14, 16-18

d-block:  1) b114, # 4-10
               2) b115, # 12-21

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Language Arts

1) Read Roll of Thunder Chapter 1 for FRIDAY
2) Quiz Friday on Chapter 1 and 10 lit. terms (Anachronism, analogy, connotation, denotation, diction, hyperbole, imagery, irony, monologue, soliloquy) 
3) Newsela final summary due date postponed.  

algebra, 11/2

a-c block:  1) b65, # 2-5, 7-12
                 2) b66, #13,14,17
                 3) b67, #26

d-block: none, had quiz

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Language Arts

1) Read Roll of Thunder Chapter 1 for FRIDAY
2) Quiz Friday on Chapter 1 and 10 lit. terms (Anachronism, analogy, connotation, denotation, diction, hyperbole, imagery, irony, monologue, soliloquy) 
3) Newsela summary rough draft due tomorrow two paragraphs. Final due Friday.  Remember you have a top down web and summary template to help. 

algebra, 11/1

a-c block:  1) b58, #4-18 (even)
                 2) b59, # 20, 24, 28

d-block:  1) finish any of the following questions that weren't finished in class:
                   pg. b91, #1,3
                  pg. b92, # 5-7, 9-11
                   pg. b93, #15-17
                  pg. b94, # 18-21
                  pg. b95, #22-28
               2) study all of these questions and more for Thurs. test on chapter 2 in the textbook