Wednesday, April 30, 2014

algebra, 4/30

a-c block:  no homework, had quiz 7.3-7.3 today

d-block:  practice sheet 10.6B, #1-18  (don't do 11,15,17)

Language Arts 4/30

1) Final draft of your Quatrain Poem is due tomorrow!
Quatrain Poem Assignment Sheet and Rubric
2) Debate Unit Vocabulary Sheet is due on Friday.
Debate Unit Vocabulary

3) Final draft of your Book vs. Movie Essay is due on Monday.
Independent Reading - Book vs Movie
Rough Draft Outline
Book vs. Movie Rubric

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

algebra, 4/29

a-c block:  1) pg. 414, #8-11,18-20
                  2) pg. 430, # 18-23
                  3) study for Wed. quiz, 7.3, 7.5

d-block:     pg. 614, # 5-8, 15-19, 21-24

Language Arts 4/29

1) Continue working on your independent reading project.  Completed rough draft is due tomorrow.  Final draft is due on Monday!
Independent Reading - Book vs Movie

Rough Draft Outline
Book vs. Movie Rubric

2) Continue working on your quatrain poem.  The typed final draft (either in your shared ELA folder or printed out) is due on Thursday, May 1st.
Quatrain Poem Assignment Sheet and Rubric

Monday, April 28, 2014

History 4/28

Please begin reading Chapter 17, Section 1 on pg. 609.
Complete Vocabulary #'s 335 & 336

algebra, 4/28

a-c block: pg. 429-430, #6-11, 21-26

d-block:  pg. 607-608, #12-20, 27-31, 42-47, 52-54, 56-58

Language Arts 4/28

1) Continue working on your independent reading project.  Completed rough draft is due Wednesday.  Final draft is due on Monday!
Independent Reading - Book vs Movie

Rough Draft Outline
Book vs. Movie Rubric

2) Print 1 essay and 1 creative writing piece for the open house.  You can choose from any of the writing assignments we have done this year. Writing samples and the cover letter are due NO LATER THAN Tuesday, April 29th.

3) Continue working on your quatrain poem.  The typed final draft (either in your shared ELA folder or printed out) is due on Thursday, May 1st.
Quatrain Poem Assignment Sheet and Rubric

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Language Arts 4/17

1) Continue working on your independent reading project.  Completed rough draft is due the Wednesday after vacation (4/30).
Independent Reading - Book vs Movie
Book vs. Movie Rubric

2) Print 1 essay and 1 creative writing piece for the open house.  You can choose from any of the writing assignments we have done this year. I will start collecting your writing samples this week, but they are due NO LATER THAN Tuesday, April 29th.

3) Continue working on your quatrain poem.  The typed final draft (either in your shared ELA folder or printed out) is due on Thursday, May 1st.
Quatrain Poem Assignment Sheet and Rubric

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

History 4/16

No homework tonight!

Language Arts 4/16

1) Continue working on your independent reading project.  Completed rough draft is due the Wednesday after vacation (4/30).
Independent Reading - Book vs Movie

2) Print 1 essay and 1 creative writing piece for the open house.  You can choose from any of the writing assignments we have done this year. I will start collecting your writing samples this week, but they are due NO LATER THAN Tuesday, April 29th.

3) Continue working on your quatrain poem.  The typed final draft (either in your shared ELA folder or printed out) is due on Thursday, May 1st.
Quatrain Poem Assignment Sheet and Rubric

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

algebra, 4/15

a-c block:  pg. 429-430, # 6-11, 18-23

d-block:  pg. 607, # 12-35

History 4/15

Study for your Chapter 15 Test!
Review session after school today!

Language Arts 4/15

1) Continue working on your poetry project.  All presentations the rest of the presentations will be done tomorrow. 
Poetry Recitation Project
Poetry Recitation Rubric

2) Continue working on your independent reading project.  Completed rough draft is due the Wednesday after vacation (4/30).
Independent Reading - Book vs Movie

3) Print 1 essay and 1 creative writing piece for the open house.  You can choose from any of the writing assignments we have done this year. I will start collecting your writing samples this week, but they are due NO LATER THAN Tuesday, April 29th.

4) Continue working on your quatrain poem.  The typed final draft (either in your shared ELA folder or printed out) is due on Thursday, May 1st.
Quatrain Poem Assignment Sheet and Rubric

Monday, April 14, 2014

algebra, 4/14

a-c block:  1) ladder sheet , #1-9
                  2) Sister sheet , #1-9 
                  Must show work on a separate sheet of paper for all of these problems

d-block:  pg. 593, #9-38  (can use trick we talked about, or regular foil method)

Language Arts 4/14

1) Continue working on your poetry project.  All presentations will be done on Wednesday.  Students can volunteer to go tomorrow for 5 bonus points.
Poetry Recitation Project
Poetry Recitation Rubric

2) Continue working on your independent reading project.  Completed rough draft is due the Wednesday after vacation (4/30).
Independent Reading - Book vs Movie

3) Print 1 essay and 1 creative writing piece for the open house.  You can choose from any of the writing assignments we have done this year.

Friday, April 11, 2014

algebra, 4/11

a-c block:  pg. 414-415, #9-39 (odd)

d-block:  pg. 587, #18-38

Language Arts 4/11

1) Continue working on your poetry project.  All presentations will be done on Wednesday of next week.  Students can volunteer to go on Tuesday for 5 bonus points.
Poetry Recitation Project
Poetry Recitation Rubric

2) Continue working on your independent reading project.  Completed rough draft is due the Wednesday after vacation (4/30).
Independent Reading - Book vs Movie

Thursday, April 10, 2014

History Class 4/11

Homework for tonight - pg. 558 1-6

History 4/10

The Chapter 15 Test is scheduled for Wednesday, 4/16.
A review session will be held after school on Monday, 4/14.

algebra, 4/10

a-c block:  pg. 414-415, #8-34 (even)

d-block: pg. 580, #19-30 (all) , # 32-58 (even)

Language Arts 4/10

1) Continue working on your poetry project.  All presentations will be done on Wednesday of next week.  Students can volunteer to go on Tuesday for 5 bonus points.
Poetry Recitation Project

2) Continue working on your independent reading project
Independent Reading - Book vs Movie

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Language Arts 4/9

1) Completed TPCAST notes for both "Between What I See and What I Say" (pg 310) and "The Black Walnut Tree" (pg 299) are due in class tomorrow.

2) Begin memorizing your poem and doing the analysis and biography.

3) Read!

History 4/9

Vocabulary 282 & 283

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Language Arts 4/8

1)  The poem for our recitation project is due tomorrow.  Please have the poem saved to your shared ELA folder for tomorrow's class.  
Poem Recitation Assignment

2) Keep reading!  I will be giving you the assignment for this month's project tomorrow.

Monday, April 7, 2014

History 4/7

Begin reading Chapter 15, Section 5 if you have not done so.
Complete Vocabulary #'s 280 & 281

Language Arts 4/7

1) READ!!! Bring your book to school tomorrow for the PARCC test.

2) Pick your poem for our recitation project.  
Poem Recitation Assignment

algebra, 4/7

a-c block:  1) pg. 401, #8-19  
                  2) pg. 408, #17-21
                 3) quiz on Wed.,  sections 7.1-7.2

d-block:   1) finish right hand side of 'bachelor' rabbit sheet
                2) quiz on Wed., sections 8.1-8.3

Friday, April 4, 2014

algebra, 4/4

a-c block: pg. 408, #24-33

d-block: finish  bachelor rabbit sheet

Language Arts 4/4

1) READ!!! Continue reading your book over the weekend.

2) Start searching for a poem for our recitation project.  
Poem Recitation Assignment

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sci April 2nd

BLOCKS A,B,AND C   Read Pages 49-54 in your forces motion and energy books. Answer questions 1-4 on page 54 and bring them to class tomorrow.
We will have a quiz on Friday on Newton and his 3 laws.

D BLOCK only - answer questions 1-10 on page 62- When you answer them write them as though they are complete sentences.

1) Newton was knighted because...
A- He was a great scientist
B- His work on quantum physics
C- His work for the Royal Mint
D- His devotion to mathematics

ANSWER- Newton was knighted because of his work for the Royal Mint.

algebra, 4/2

a-c block: pg. 408, #6-13, 23-28

d-block:  practice 8.2C, #1-24

Language Arts 4/2

1) READ!!! Bring your book to school tomorrow to read after the PARC test.  You should be 1/4 of the way through with your novel by Friday.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

History 4/1

Sheet #277
Study for your Chapter 15, Section 4 quiz on Thursday!

algebra, 4/1

a-c block:  practice sheet 7.2B, #1-20 (for questions 11-20, must show 5-6 steps for each question to get credit)

d-block:  pg. 459, #14-45

Language Arts 4/1

1) There will be a quiz on apostrophes tomorrow.  Please study your notes and review exercises.

2) Continue reading your book. You want to be 1/4 of the way through it by the end of the week.